St Anne's & St Joseph's RC Parish

——  Accrington • Diocese of Salford  ——

St Anne's & St Joseph's
RC Parish

—  Accrington • Diocese of Salford  —


Collection Envelopes 2025

Both Gift Aid and non Gift Aid envelopes for 2025, are now available at the back of both churches.

Due to fewer envelopes being used, envelopes will only be given to those who have used them in the current tax year. For those who have been allocated envelopes, the number may be different from last year’s.

If you would like to be part of the Gift Aid scheme, please email Siobhan.


St Anne’s, Cobham Road,
Accrington, BB5 2AD.
Tel: 01254 232 920

St Joseph’s, Belgarth Road,
Accrington, BB5 6AH.


Rev Fr Francis Wadsworth (parish priest)
Rev Fr Robert Livesey (retired)

Parish Administrator

Mrs Siobhan Wood
Tel: 01254 232 920

Office Hours

Mon: 8:30am to 12:30pm
Tues, Thurs: 8:30am to 1:30pm