St Anne's & St Joseph's RC Parish

——  Accrington • Diocese of Salford  ——

St Anne's & St Joseph's
RC Parish

—  Accrington • Diocese of Salford  —


May he rest in peace

With great sadness, we commend to your prayers the repose of the soul of Charles Outtier, a French seminarian of the Institute of Christ the King in Gricigliano, who was killed on January 15 in a tractor accident on the seminary grounds while he was performing his duties. Charles Outtier was a deacon preparing for priestly ordination this coming July. His unexpected and tragic death has plunged the seminary into mourning.

Deacon Outtier edified the whole community with his joyful demeanour and his fervent devotion to his duties, his studies, and his Catholic faith. He was full of promise for his future priestly ministry. But the good Lord, who alone knows the day and hour, has called him on ahead of us. He was anointed and received the Apostolic Blessing at the moment of his death.

Please pray for Deacon Outtier’s soul, for the superiors of the Institute who must bear the loss of one of their spiritual sons, for all of his dear brothers at seminary, and for his family during their time of unspeakable grief.

Requiescat in pace

Canon Amaury Montjean

Provincial in Great Britain


St Anne’s, Cobham Road,
Accrington, BB5 2AD.
Tel: 01254 232 920

St Joseph’s, Belgarth Road,
Accrington, BB5 6AH.


Rev Fr Francis Wadsworth (parish priest)
Rev Fr Robert Livesey (retired)

Parish Administrator

Mrs Siobhan Wood
Tel: 01254 232 920

Office Hours

Mon: 8:30am to 12:30pm
Tues, Thurs: 8:30am to 1:30pm