St Anne’s Ladies

Our next meeting will be on Monday, 10th February. We will be going for lunch to the Whitakers Arms on Burnley Rd, Accrington. As usual, meet at 12:30pm in the car park at St Anne’s for lunch at 1pm.
Sacramental Programme

The next meeting for the Sacramental Programme will be on Monday, 10th February at 5:30pm in St Anne’s and St Joseph’s Primary School.
Requiem Mass

We offer our condolences to the family of Mary Beard who died recently. Requiem Mass will take place at St Joseph’s Church on Tuesday, 11th February, at 12:15pm. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.
Healing Mass with Anointing

The next Mass for healing with anointing of the sick will be at 12 noon on Saturday, 1st February at St Anne’s. Exposition and confessions from 11am. Let us hold in prayer all who are sick. All welcome.
Parish Quiz

On Sunday, 2nd February, in St Joseph’s Church Hall, we will be running another parish quiz. 7:30pm Start · £1 Entry per PersonTeams of up to 6 PeopleSpot Prizes · Snowball QuestionsCash Prize for Winning Team Please bring your own refreshments to share with other teams. Come along, test your knowledge and have a bit […]
Monday’s Mass at St Anne’s

On Monday, 3rd February Mass at St Anne’s will be at the later time of 9:30am so that children and staff from St Anne’s and St Joseph’s Primary School can attend. All are welcome.
Blessing of Throats

The traditional blessing of throats in honour of St Blaise will take place at the 9:30am Mass on Monday, 3rd February at St Anne’s.
Gaudete Sunday

Don’t forget to come to Mass at the weekend wearing something rose to celebrate Gaudete Sunday.
Friendship Club
The next meeting of the Friendship Club will be on Wednesday, 5th February at 2pm in St Joseph’s Hall. It will be great to meet up again for our first time in 2025. We will be entertained by one of our favourite singers, Andy Smith. We are desperately in need of volunteer drivers to bring […]
Mass in Sign Language

Fr Francis will be celebrating Mass in sign language on Sunday, 19th January at 3pm at St John the Baptist, Bracewell Street, Burnley, BB10 1TB. All parishioners are very welcome to attend.