St Anne's & St Joseph's RC Parish

——  Accrington • Diocese of Salford  ——

St Anne's & St Joseph's
RC Parish

—  Accrington • Diocese of Salford  —

Deaf Awareness

There will be an online session raising awareness of the issues that affect those who are deaf and hard of hearing on Tuesday 10th September from 2 to 4pm. Click/tap for more information and to book.

St Anne’s Ladies

Three women sitting at a table chatting and drinking tea

Our next meeting will be on Monday 16th September. Further details to be confirmed.

Only One Mass This Sunday

On the day of the Summer Fayre, Sunday 21st July, there will only be one Mass at 10am in St Anne’s Church. There will not be a Mass at St Joseph’s. The Vigil Mass on Saturday at 5:30pm at St Anne’s will take place as usual.

Late Changes to Masses this Week

There will be no Masses at St Anne’s on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th October. The Saturday morning (5th October) Healing Mass together with Exposition and confessions is also cancelled. The vigil Mass will take place as usual. Please see the schedule for all Masses this week.


Are you active in your parish; SVP; Eucharistic Minister; Reader? Do you go into the community, with the Church? What does accessibility mean to you? Think about how, a blind person, a deaf person, someone with mobility issues, or a learning disability. How can they access the Church, – or neurodiversity? How would someone with […]

Masses this Saturday

There will be no morning Masses, confessions or exposition at either church on Saturday, 28th September. Fr Livesey and Fr Francis will both be attending the ordination of Luke Bradbury to the sacred priesthood. Vigil and Sunday Masses remain the same.

Friday’s Mass at St Anne’s

Mass at St Anne’s this Friday, 20th September, will be at the later time of 9:30am as we welcome the staff and students from our primary school, St Anne’s & St Joseph’s. All parishioners are welcome to attend.

SVP Meeting

The next meeting of the SVP will take place on Tuesday, 24th September at 7pm in St Anne’s. If you would like to arrange a visit, or need support in any way, please speak to Fr Francis who can pass the information on.


Rev Luke Bradbury will be ordained to the Sacred Priesthood on Saturday 28th September at St Patrick’s Church, Collyhurst. Fr Luke will celebrate his First Mass on Sunday 29th September again at St Patrick’s. Parishioners will remember Rev Luke from his time at St Anne’s when he had a placement with Fr Stamp. Please remember […]

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Calling on all bakers! On Sunday, 29th September, we will be holding a MacMillan Coffee Morning in support of MacMillan Cancer Care. Parishioners are invited to attend the event in St Joseph’s Hall after the 9:00am Mass. If anyone would like to bake, or donate, you can bring your cakes along on the morning. We […]


St Anne’s, Cobham Road,
Accrington, BB5 2AD.
Tel: 01254 232 920

St Joseph’s, Belgarth Road,
Accrington, BB5 6AH.


Rev Fr Francis Wadsworth (parish priest)
Rev Fr Robert Livesey (retired)

Parish Administrator

Mrs Siobhan Wood
Tel: 01254 232 920

Office Hours

Mon: 8:30am to 12:30pm
Tues, Thurs: 8:30am to 1:30pm